Multifocal Lens
A multifocal lens is designed to provide clear vision in the distance and near. Multifocal lenses have been used extensively over the past ten years. These lenses provide freedom from glasses for over 90% of patients who have them in both eyes. The lenses have multiple rings of focus and provide an increased range of vision compared with monofocal lenses, although it is common to see halos at nighttime around bright light sources like headlights. Patients often notice halos but these improve over time through a process called neuroadaptation as the brain learns to ignore the halos. This continues to improve over the first 6 to 12 months after surgery.
PanOptix Trifocal IOL
Our surgeons are comfortable implanting all the available multifocal lenses but have increasingly been using the newest multifocal, the PanOptix Trifocal IOL. This lens provides better intermediate vision than other multifocal lenses without compromising the distance and near vision. The previous generation of multifocals provided the sharpest vision at two focal points, distance and near. Many patients who had these lenses still needed to use computer glasses. The PanOptix Trifocal IOL offers an additional third focal point to provide sharp vision at intermediate range, in addition to the distance and near. Many of us need sharper intermediate vision not only for computer and tablet use but also for other activities like grocery shopping. We expect our patients that have this lens to see clearly in the distance, intermediate, and near.
Vivity Extended Depth of Field (EDOF) IOL
The Vivity EDOF IOL is a lens designed to provide functional high-quality vision from far distance to about 26 inches to minimize the use of glasses. This lens is designed to provide clear vision for driving as well as the use of the computer and tablets. There are some night time artifacts that decrease over time through the process of neuroadaption. This lens is better for patients who want sharp distance and computer vision and do not mind using reading glasses for near work. Also, patients who are not candidates for a multifocal lens may still be a candidate for the Vivity IOL.
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