Implantable Contact Lenses

Implantable Contact Lenses – Visian ICL


Visian ICL is the next generation of vision technology. This technology provides sharp and clear vision even in patients with high levels of near sightedness.

Visian ICL originated as a solution for people with high lens prescriptions (high myopia) and for those who lack sufficient corneal thickness to have LASIK. However, its precision and consistent results have made it an excellent alternative to LASIK.

During the Visian ICL procedure, a special synthetic lens called an implantable collamer lens, is implanted in the eye, redirecting light rays so they focus correctly on the retina. This lens doesn’t replace your natural lens so you can still benefit from your own natural lens accommodation to see up close.

The entire procedure takes about 15 to 30 minutes to complete, and you’ll be able to resume your regular activities within a day or two. Most patients see an improvement in eyesight immediately.

The Implantable Contact (Collamer) Lens

Collamer is a technologically advanced lens material that’s 100% compatible with your body’s chemistry, meaning it’ll be comfortable and you won’t feel it in your eye. Collamer also offers anti-reflectivity and UV protection.


Visian ICL can often correct the eyesight of those who can’t undergo LASIK because of thin corneas, dry eyes, or unusually high refractive errors. If you fit the criteria below, you’re most likely a candidate for Visian ICL:

  • Between 21 and 45 years old
  • Nearsighted
  • No change in eyeglass prescription of more than 0.5D in a year
  • Not pregnant
  • Have thin corneas and dry eyes
  • Have low and high refractive errors (as low as -3D to as high as -20D prescription)

If you are interested in finding out if you are a candidate for this technology, please call (650) 961-2585 for a consultation or schedule online now!

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