Presbyopia, the gradual loss of your eye’s ability to focus on objects up close, happens to all of us as we reach middle age. Usually beginning some time in your 40’s, you’ll start to experience blurred vision while reading, dialing a cell phone or working on your computer, for example. As we age, the lens inside the eye gradually hardens and becomes less flexible, making it more difficult to focus on nearby objects. Presbyopia is not a disease, but a natural part of the aging process. LASIK and Refractive Lens Exchange (RLE) can be performed for distance and near vision with monovision, where one eye is set for distance and one eye is set for near. Refractive Lens Exchange can also be performed with Multifocal lenses, which allows patients to see well in the distance and near with each eye.
Click here for information on LASIK, monovision LASIK, and Refractive Lens Exchange.
The procedure is performed in our own Peninsula Eye Surgery Center, conveniently located down the street from our office.
If you are interested in the Multifocal procedure, please call our office at 650-961-2585 for a complimentary consultation or request an appointment online.
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