Articles / News

Intralase FS Laser

  • Posted by lasik2020 on December 30, 2014 in News

The IntraLase Method is a 100% blade-free technique used to perform the critical first step in the LASIK procedure: creating the corneal flap. The creation of the corneal flap prepares the eye for the second step of the LASIK procedure, where the VISX STAR 4 IR™ Excimer laser is used on the inner cornea to correct vision. IntraLase can be an important option for patients with thin corneas or who have a corneal epithelial dystrophy. The IntraLase Method uses tiny, rapid pulses of laser light to create your corneal flap—instead of using a metal blade—during the first step of LASIK. … Read more…


  • Posted by lasik2020 on December 18, 2014 in News

If you’re shortsighted, your eyeball is longer than normal. If you’re farsighted, it’s shorter than average.


  • Posted by lasik2020 on December 17, 2014 in News

The technique of cataract surgery involves removing the cloudy portion of the eye’s lens while leaving the clear outer membrane, or capsule, to hold the new intraocular lens in place. This outer membrane contains cells that may continue to produce lens fibers. These fibers cannot be laid down in an organized manner and will form little beads or “pearls” on the lens capsule, forming a secondary membrane. When these pearls accumulate in the pupil, they can cause a blurring of vision similar to that which one experiences with a cataract. This occurs approximately 30-40% of the time and can appear … Read more…

What is a lazy eye?

  • Posted by lasik2020 on December 16, 2014 in News

Amblyopia, or a Lazy Eye, is the loss or lack of development of central vision in one eye that is not correctable with lenses. It can result from a failure to use both eyes together. Lazy eye is often associated with crossed-eyes or a large difference in the degree of nearsightedness or farsightedness between the two eyes. It usually develops before the age of 6, and it does not affect peripheral vision. For this reason, early diagnosis is critical and increases the chance for a complete recovery. Symptoms of Amblyopia Symptoms of Amblyopia are not always so obvious. These may … Read more…

Did You Know?

  • Posted by lasik2020 on December 12, 2014 in News

The “visual centers” in your brain are actually located at the lower back part of your head. That’s why if you were to fall very hard on the back of your head, it’s possible to go blind temporarily. The optic nerve begins at the back of the eye and, through a series of connections, relays the visual images to the occipital cortex in the very back of the brain.

Did You Know?

  • Posted by lasik2020 on December 8, 2014 in News

A Pterygium is a growth that can grow across the eye. Do you know why it is called pterygium? It is because ptery is the Latin root for “wing”. Since the growth looks like a wing growing across the eye they called it a pterygium.

What is Keratoconus?

  • Posted by lasik2020 on December 7, 2014 in News

WHAT IS KERATOCONUS? Keratoconus is a thinning disorder of the cornea that causes visual distortion. Common symptoms include: ghosting, multiple images, glare, halos, starburst around lights, blurred vision and eye irritation with excessive eye rubbing. The earliest signs of this condition are usually blurred vision and frequent changes in the patient’s eye glass prescription. Sometimes vision cannot even be corrected with glasses. Symptoms typically begin in late teenage years or early twenties, but can start at any time. Keratoconus requires a diagnosis from a doctor trained to recognize the symptoms. Keratoconus can usually be diagnosed with a slit-lamp examination. Classic … Read more…

Is Monovision LASIK Right for You?

  • Posted by lasik2020 on December 4, 2014 in News

Monovision is a treatment that is often prescribed for people over age 40 with presbyopia. Presbyopia is a normal part of the aging process that, unfortunately, happens to all of us at some point in time. It occurs when the lens inside the eye becomes less flexible and loses its ability to see objects up close. Some signs and symptoms of presbyopia include having to hold reading material (such as a menu or book) farther away to see it, fatigue and eye strain while reading, and difficulty seeing clearly for close work. Monovision corrects presbyopia by using one eye to … Read more…

Macular Degeneration

  • Posted by lasik2020 on December 2, 2014 in News

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of severe vision loss in adults over the age of 50. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that 1.8 million people have AMD and another 7.3 million are at substantial risk for vision loss from AMD. Caucasians are at higher risk for developing AMD than other races. Women also develop AMD at an earlier age than men. This eye disease occurs when there are changes to the macula, a small portion of the retina that is located on the inside back layer of the eye. AMD is a loss of … Read more…

Are you a Candidate for the Visian ICL Procedure?

  • Posted by lasik2020 on December 2, 2014 in News

The quality of your vision can vary significantly depending upon the refractive procedure you choose. For people suffering with extreme forms of myopia, the Visian Implantable Collamer Lens™ (ICL) will give you sharper, clearer vision than other refractive surgeries, including LASIK. In these cases of higher myopia, there may not be enough tissue to safely sculpt the cornea thus not allowing for Custom LASIK eye surgery. Most patients come into our office asking for “LASIK” because they have heard the term, and do not realize that another type of procedure, such as the ICL, might give them clearer, more vivid … Read more…